Friday, January 29, 2010

Entry #1

Laura 1.29.10
The Time Travelers Wife hours:2
Audrey Niffenegger Pages:7-152
Total pages this Week-145

Question 1- What does this book make you wonder about? Why?
Answer 1- I wonder how Henry can just travel around and when he meets Clare he knows where he has been and when he is going to be coming back but yet when she meets him when shes older he doesn't know who she is untill she reminds him of what he tells her from the past.
I also wonder how long he has been time traveling in his life. It seems that hes been in certain times yet hes been in those times in different perspectives. He keeps talking about how when she grows up if she looks close enough she can see him in at least five places.

Question 2- I wonder why the author wrote it in the format that she did.
Answer 2- I think she did this so you can understand both of their feelings in the story. So when you are in reading Clare's perspective you would be albe to feel the pain that she feels when he leaves all the time. When you are reading Henry's perspective you can go through his adventures that he goes through and the pain that he feels when he is alone with out Clare.
This book's formatting is hard to understand but after a while you get to understand it, I guess I haven't gotten to that point yet. But when I get to that point I hope that it would it make more sense. Because write now its kind of confusing.